

Excellent quality creates a different lifestyle

Exhibition of E-Door

Excellent quality creates a different lifestyle


Wuxi Maotai Special Door Co., Ltd. was founded in 1994. For more than 20 years, I have been rigorous in research and development.

Excellent product quality and based on the door and window industry. A strong R&D team and reliable product quality are the advantages of Maotai. "Towards the world, perfection" is Maotai's consistent quality policy.

  • Special door quality guarantee

  • Installation support service

  • Maintenance protection service

  • Lifetime membership service


Excellent quality creates a different lifestyle

About us

Excellent quality creates a different lifestyle

Wuxi Maotai Special Door Co., Ltd. was founded in 1994. For more than 20 years, we have been based on the rigorous research and development attitude, excellent product quality and based on the door and window industry.

A strong R&D team and reliable product quality are the advantages of Maotai. "Towards the world, perfection" is Maotai's consistent quality policy. Wuxi Maotai Special Door Co., Ltd. was founded in 1994. For more than 20 years, we have been based on the rigorous R&D attitude and excellent product quality and based on the door and window industry. A strong R&D team and reliable product quality are the advantages of Maotai. "Towards the world, perfection" is Maotai's consistent quality policy.

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Excellent quality creates a different lifestyle

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